Our Amplify Associates programme supports artists who are looking to develop their own skills and artistic practice.

After a period of consultation with previous associates, thinking about the gaps in the region currently and looking at various programmes nationally, our Amplify Associates programme is supporting artists who are looking to develop their own skills and artistic practice, whilst creating opportunities for other artists in the region to do the same.

There will be no “submission window” or set application process for this programme. If you have an idea for a project that you wish to develop or a period of career development that you think fits the brief, get in touch. You can email our Artist Development Producer, Beccy, on beccy.dsouza.01@nottinghamplayhouse.co.uk.

Associateships are mutually agreed on a rolling basis, subject to need and resource, and will typically last between 1 and 2 years.

We are on the lookout for artists with ideas, artists thinking big picture. You might be an artist who wants to make a piece of work but need to develop your own practice in order to get there. You might be mid-career (whatever that means to you) and looking for ways to expand your practice, with skills to share that could benefit other artists.

Amplify Associates is:

– An organic and evolving programme, bespoke to the needs of the associates and the needs of the wider ecology of the region

– Ideas led

– Co-created between the artist and Nottingham Playhouse

– An artistic exchange; mutually beneficial

– Recognising the expertise of individual artists in designing what they and artists around them need

– Not ‘closed’ – a rolling process, with no set time boundaries around applications.

– Enables Nottingham Playhouse to offer timely and suitably resourced support to the artists and ideas that positively impact our artistic community

Current Amplify Associates