Nottingham Playhouse does not tolerate any form of racial abuse, including verbal or physical, conscious or unconscious. We are committed to keep listening and to engage in meaningful debate in order to make real and lasting changes.

All employees, freelancers, participants, audience members and other visitors to Nottingham Playhouse, or to our activities that take place outside Nottingham Playhouse, should use this form to report racist incidents that they have experienced, witnessed or been told about, or to report other concerns around racism they may have. No action will be taken until you have been contacted. Even if you do give your name, you can still request not to be contacted.

For employees, this form does not replace internal policies and procedures but we acknowledge that some employees may wish to report racist incidents anonymously and can use this form to do so.

Any reports made will be received by our Racism Reporting Group. None of the group are Nottingham Playhouse employees. Current members are:

  • Cathryn Smith, Nottingham Playhouse Trustee
  • Sairah Rehman, member of the Anti-Racism Action Group
  • Tara Lopez, Director of Participation at Nottingham Playhouse and Chair of the Racism Reporting Group

You can choose to report anonymously, or give your name and/or contact details. If you report anonymously, we will not be able to contact you to inform you of the action taken. However, anonymous reports will help us to better understand issues of racism impacting Nottingham Playhouse, to identify any patterns, and to shape our prevention of, and response to, racist behaviours.

We understand that some may wish to give a pseudonym and/or anonymous email address. There is no obligation to provide us with an email address if you do not wish to be contacted after making your complaint. Information provided on the form will be processed and stored in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

If you remain anonymous:

We will process a provisional response within 10 working days, including clearly outlining future steps. We will be unable to contact you with the outcome of your complaint.

If you provide us with your contact details:

We will acknowledge receipt of the report within 2 working days.

Within 5 working days we will contact you and provide you with contact details should you wish to get in contact with us or add to your report. We will signpost you to relevant support services and discuss with you how things will proceed and communication options. We will answer any questions we are able to at this time.

Within 10 working days, we will put a plan for next steps in place. We will communicate this to you in the way you have chosen in our previous contact.

You can choose to change the level and type of communication with us at any time. This includes opting out of being contacted by us about the complaint.

Your name and contact details will never be shared to any individual or organisation outside of the Racism Reporting Group without your explicit permission.

Unless there is an urgent legal or medical reason, the details of your complaint will not be shared to anyone outside of the Racism Reporting Group, until we have established contact with you and gained your input on next steps and preferred level of communication.

The Racism Reporting Group pledges to take all reports seriously and will create a safe space for you to speak honestly and without prejudice. In turn, they will be fully transparent about the actions they have taken and intend to take.

The group will agree the best course of action based on the specific nature of the report and clearly explain their thinking to you.

If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you have the right to appeal to a mutually agreed external arbitrator.

Racism and Racist Hate Crime Support and Information

Remember in an emergency call 999 immediately.

If you are reporting a racist incident that involves criminal activity such as assault, we strongly advise reporting the matter to the Police through the True Vision website.

The following organisations may be able to offer information and support:

Equality and Advisory Support Service

Equality Advisory and Support Service (EASS) advises and assists individuals on issues relating to equality and human rights across England, Scotland and Wales.

Tel: 0808 800 0082

The Monitoring Group

The Monitoring Group provides support to victims of race and religious hate crime through the provision of information, advice, advocacy, and representation.

Tel: 020 7582 7438


Stop Hate UK

Stop Hate UK provides independent and confidential support to people affected by hate crime, including confidential hate crime reporting services in various parts of the UK.

Tel: 0113 293 5100


Victim Support

Victim Support is the national charity giving free and confidential help to victims of crime, witnesses, their family, friends and anyone else affected. They are not a government agency or part of the police and you don’t have to report a crime to the police to get their help.

Tel: 0808 168 9111 (24/7)


Nottinghamshire Victim CARE

Commissioned by the Nottinghamshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Nottinghamshire Victim CARE is a free and confidential service available to all victims of crime and Anti-Social Behaviour across Nottinghamshire.

Tel: 0800 304 7575


The National Bullying Helpline

The National Bullying Helpline can provide free, confidential help and support if you are being bullied at work, at home, in the community or in education.

Tel: 0300 323 0169 (9am-5pm, daily)


Mind provides advice and support on a range of topics including types of mental health problem, legislation and details of local help and support in England and Wales.

Tel: 0300 123 3393 (weekdays, 9am – 6pm)



YoungMinds offers information, support and advice for children and young people on mental health, wellbeing, racism and self-harm.

Help for concerned parents of those under 25 is offered by phone.

YoungMinds Crisis Messenger: text YM to 85258.

Tel: 0808 802 5544 (weekdays, 9.30am-4pm)

The Community Security Trust

Community Security Trust (CST) is a charity that protects British Jews from antisemitism and related threats.

Tel: 020 8457 9999



Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks (MAMA) is an independent organisation, working to address anti-Muslim hatred, allowing people to report any form of Anti-Muslim abuse. They can also refer people who have been a victim of an Anti-Muslim incident for support through partner agencies.

Friends, Families and Travellers (FFT)

FFT works to end racism and discrimination against Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people and to protect the right to pursue a nomadic way of life. They support individuals and families with the issues that matter most to them, at the same time as working to transform systems and institutions to address root causes of inequalities faced by Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people.

Tel: 01273 234 777 (weekdays, 10am-4.30pm)
