Our Summer Term will be available to book on Fri 21 March at 10am.

Led by experienced stage and screen writer Sara Bodinar, Writer’s Room invites new and aspiring writers to come together to strengthen their skills, share ideas and swap notes in a fun workshop environment. The Writer’s Room is open to all those who have an interest or passion for writing.

Each term the writers will take on a new 10 week challenge. In previous terms, we’ve written comedies, radio plays, screenplays (which led to the Playhouse’s own film festival) and a sci-fi play that made it onto the main stage in the Participation Takeover. Currently we’re writing adaptations and in the summer term, we’ll be writing murder mystery plays.

All terms will result in the writers having their work read out by actors to an audience of friends and family in the final session. The group may also occasionally get free tickets to a Nottingham Playhouse show.

Please note that the odd session may be held at an external venue near to the Playhouse. If this is the case, details will be confirmed in advance.

Can I try it first?

Yes, we offer a taster session for those who would like to try before they buy (subject to availability). You can register your interest for a taster session by emailing participation@nottinghamplayhouse.co.uk and you will receive an email once places are available for booking.


Course Leader

Sara Bodinar
Sara Bodinar