At some point over the next 250 years every city in the UK will disappear.
It doesn’t matter how, it doesn’t matter why.
Streets will turn back to fields, skyscrapers to bird nests, even the words on the street-signs will cease to be. There will still be low hills with a river to the south, a forest to the North and a series of great hollow spaces, like a drum waiting to be beaten, beneath.
There may still be legends of what used to exist there. On a map remains a stain of a memory that was once Nottingham
It will be someone’s job to separate the legends from the facts
– this someone is Alex.
250 years in the future the Bureau of Urban Ethnography is trying to uncover and record what exactly Nottingham ‘was’. Is this all that Nottingham is? Could you answer for your generation? What parts of your life are worth remembering?
Utopia, Nowhere is a conversation between a city and its future. We need you to help translate.
“cufynol” are brought to Nottingham by Stiwdio 64, a community art hub located in Porthmadog, North Wales. Collectively interested in the relationship between community and Art, verbatim and imagination, technology and the audience – “cufynol” are migrating from their Celtic nests to the East Midlands to investigate and celebrate the city that nurtured them.
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