Do you, or anyone you know, have a migration experience? How do you tell stories about that experience through poetry? What fascinating stories are there in Nottinghamshire?

Poetics of Migration is a performance night that celebrates the creativity of migrants, refugees and ordinary people in Nottinghamshire. Around fifteen performers will perform their poetry on stage and share their stories about language, home, food, identity, community and social justice.

The event will launch a poetry collection, featuring seventy poems, essays and illustrations from more than thirty people with close connections to Nottinghamshire. The book includes contributions from over thirty authors with roots in Nigeria, Jamaica, India, Cyprus, Uruguay, Austria, Ireland, Wales, China, and more. The poems, written by emerging and established poets from diverse ethnic, cultural and migratory backgrounds, remember and recreate home, call for social justice, and celebrate Nottingham as a city of sanctuary to become.

Poetics of Migration is a community arts project that brings together people living in or connected to Nottinghamshire to share migration stories through poetry. Funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council via the University of Nottingham and supported by Notts Poetry and Nottingham Refugee Forum, the project draws attention to overlooked migrant and refugee experiences; it also celebrates migrant agency and creativity.

This is a fundraising event. All the ticket and book sales will be donated to the Nottingham Refugee Forum.