Learn the basics of stage combat, focusing on how to move your body safely and effectively with a weapon in order to tell a violent story with accuracy and dynamic action.
Day One will focus on form and footwork, learning the techniques of cutting, thrusting and parrying within a choreographed sequence. Using a mixture of rapiers, Italian side swords and fencing blades, you will learn how to communicate with a fight partner in the moment, gaining confidence in wielding these weapons with accuracy and intention. You will also learn some of the historical and martial principles of these weapons and the importance of honour in duelling.
Day Two will see you push your learning forwards, learning how to drive a fight with your partner and exploring more complex techniques including wounds and kills. You will also get the chance to explore dual-wielding rapier and dagger, swashbuckling fights and possibly group fights.
Kiel will also bring along a selection of other bladed weapons, to explore how these techniques are applied to different styles of fighting, including katana and medieval arming swords and longswords.
A truly unique, challenging and engaging weekend.