Would you rather sell your body, or your soul?

With a “Sliding Doors” concept, the play tells two stories of the same female character. In one world, she works for a multinational commercial conglomerate whose ethics are questionable and go against everything she believes morally, but the job pays for the life she’s always aspired to having grown up with only just enough. In another, alternate version of her life, she doesn’t take the job. Instead, she earns money on her terms by becoming a “cam girl” creating provocative content online in order to fund her bigger creative ambitions. 

Both paths involve choices others question. But which is “better”? Is it better to follow the socially prescribed corporate path, however morally dubious? Or is posting pictures of yourself online – for the price you set – really just another way the system uses us? We know what we think – which path we think is ultimately more freeing – but we’re not blind to the challenges of navigating either of these worlds. And neither is this play.  

Body or Soul shines a light on the complexity of the choices we make about our lives, our finances, our bodies and our morals. No choice is perfect, ever, but when it comes to the contempt, judgement and snobbery that’s still directed towards anything that comes close to “selling yourself”, we want to ask this: would you rather sell your body, or your soul? 

Body or Soul is produced by Fury Theatre and has been supported by The Asylum Players and Chronic Insanity Theatre.  

Tickets are offered at subsidised or full price to all audience members.  There are no ‘qualifying criteria’ for a subsidised place.  If you can afford a full price ticket, please buy one, as this will support Amplify in continuing to offer free and subsidised development opportunities for artists across the Midlands region.

Fury Theatre is a female-led East Midlands theatre company making work centred on the female experience, the female gaze and the female voice. Fury’s founder and producer Laura Turner is currently Associate Artist at Nottingham Playhouse.  

We create work that asks big questions about who we are today, where we’ve come from and what makes us feel fire, passion, lust, fury – big emotions that we don’t necessarily have easy outlets for in our busy lives where everything is pushed beneath the surface.  

Taking inspiration from the Furies of Greek mythology, who sought revenge on wrongdoing against women, we make challenging, provocative, socially-engaged work with a focus on bringing diverse female voices into the creative process on and off stage. Our work is informed through research and development with our primary target audience of women aged 18-35. We want our work to appeal to an audience of all genders, however, and we believe that to be a feminist is to be an equalist; we welcome the chance to collaborate with like-minded creatives of all genders, sexualities and backgrounds.  

Fury is about starting a conversation: what makes us angry, and what are we going to do about it? We want to encourage solution-minded conversation around the problems facing young women today and put their voices at the heart of accessible, engaging, loud, fun, ferocious, furious theatre-making. 

Production Notes

Part of Queer Up Duck!