An afternoon celebrating new artists and the work they are creating. Both performances are work in progress showings.

Both of these shows will take place in a Relaxed Environment*.


Relaxed Environment performances are open to all audience members, and can be useful for those with an Autistic Spectrum Condition, sensory and communication disorder, learning disability, and anyone who would benefit from a more relaxed theatre environment. For Relaxed Environment performances, there won’t be any changes to the show itself but movement in and out of the auditorium is allowed, there is less emphasis on the audience being quiet during the performance, and there will be a separate chill-out room for any audience members that require it.


by Infinite Egg Theatre

How do we communicate the dangers hidden within the waste we are generating to societies of the distant future? A lecture pondering this question turns weird, plunging us into that future. Glimpses of rituals and culture that seem to contain relics from our time. What will survive? And what is lost along the way?

Infinite Egg Theatre is in development of a new show that explores the evolution of language, ritual and culture across vast time. We will use Mask and no words. This is the second instalment of our story. The first, set in the far future, saw a cult like underground tribe through the eyes of nomadic hunters who had stumbled in from “The Overworld”. Now we view the same society from our point in time when a scientist working on systems of future proof communication finds themselves on a mind bending, consciousness altering, reality shifting field (cave) trip.



by Calathea Arts

A coming-of-age, environmental comedy, ECO-BALL follows the Oakwood Academy School Council as they try and organise an eco-friendly end-of-year leavers do. Much to the distress to the rest of Year 11 and the teachers, things don’t go quite according to plan!

Join Viv, Tom, Aimee and newbie Riley as they discover what it truly means to stand up for your rights, fight for your beliefs and be environmentally friendly. All this, whilst battling their way through pending exams, peer pressure, hormones and more… #nightmare

With Tom keeping secrets, Riley trying to usurp Viv as Year Captain and Aimee ready to murder them all, can the group put their differences aside to pull off the best event the school has ever seen?

This play explores themes of environmental activism within British Secondary Schools, neurodiversity, class and unconscious bias.

(Triggers and advisories: Mentions of the neurodivergent experience. References to environmental existentialism)