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Announcing New Chair of Board of Trustees and Welcoming New Chair of Youth Board

19 October 2021

Today, Nottingham Playhouse announces a new chair of its Board of Trustees.  Bidding a grateful farewell to its Chair of six years, Caroline Shutter, the theatre welcomes Amanda Farr who takes up the postion this Autumn.

At the same time, the theatre introduces theatre practitioner Octavia Nyombi as chair of its Youth Board.

Caroline Shutter joined Nottingham Playhouse Board of Trustees in 2014, becoming its Chair in late 2015.  A strategic communications and marketing consultant, she ran marketing and business development at locally based company, Bedrock Tax until September this year, having previously been the Communications & Marketing Director for the East Midlands Development Agency and Head of Corporate Affairs at Nottingham City Council. She has also been on the Board of Dance 4 and Ticketing Network East Midlands.


Chief Executive of Nottingham Playhouse, Stephanie Sirr says

It has been terrific working with Caroline Shutter as Chair through some of our most challenging years.  We are tremendously grateful for her support.  We all look forward to welcoming Amanda as our new Chair to help guide Nottingham Playhouse as we enter an exciting new chapter.”


Amanda Farr is a practicing partner in Sweeney and Farr mental health consultancy.  She was formerly a clinical lead of  the NHS county primary care mental health service and is Deputy Lieutenant and former High Sheriff of Nottinghamshire.”

Octavia Nyombi is a performer and performance maker from Leicester and Andrew Lloyd-Webber & Curve Theatre acting graduate. She is a graduate from De Montfort University with a First Class Degree in Drama and currently runs her own theatre company ‘Category Peach’,

Nottingham Playhouse Youth Board, which was established earlier this year is made up of 14 innovative, diverse young people aged between 16 and 25 who make a real and ongoing contribution to theatre. The board is youth-led with a focus on open, accessible and inclusive projects that champion youth voices.


Outgoing Chair, Caroline Shutter says

There have been some real highlights for me over the past six years as Chair, from recruiting a new Artistic Director, winning The Stage Regional Theatre 2019 and establishing our Youth Board. Seeing the growth of participation activity, particularly during repeated Covid lockdowns, whilst not forgetting the thrilling work which has appeared on our stage and online has been fantastic. Nottingham Playhouse is going from strength to strength with a dedicated and enthusiastic Board of Trustees and staff team expertly led  by Stephanie and Adam, I’m very proud to have been a part of the Playhouse journey so far. I’m delighted that Amanda is picking up the role of Chair and I’m confident that she and Octavia as Chair of the Youth Board along with the staff team will ensure the Playhouse’s continued success. I’m looking forward to supporting the Playhouse as a regular attendee and passionate advocate for the role that culture, and specifically theatre, can within communities and for individuals.”


Incoming Chair, Amanda Farr says 

I feel very privileged and excited to be taking over as chair of Nottingham Playhouse. I visited the Playhouse as a child and vividly remember the impact of the Playhouse education programme, Roundabout Theatre, when it visited my junior school in Mansfield.”

Nottingham Playhouse brings world class theatre and performance art to our doorstep. It supports emerging artists in the region and tells the stories of our city and county. It supports creativity and cohesion in many marginalised sectors of society by the myriad of courses and participatory activities it offers and of course plays a massive role in local education. The iconic building in the centre of our city and strong cultural offering contributes to putting our city and county on the map nationally and internationally. I will work hard to help build upon the success of Nottingham Playhouse post pandemic and very much look forward to it.”


Incoming Chair of Nottingham Playhouse Youth Board, Octavia Nyombi says

“I’m so proud of Nottingham Playhouse and to be leading this fierce group of young change-makers, who are committed to making ripples in this industry.”

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